McKoon: Kandiss Taylor does not speak for the Georgia Republican Party
Mean spirited and ugly people saying embarrassing and stupid things by itself is not newsworthy, except when that person holds a leadership position in the Georgia Republican Party. As is the case of Kandiss Taylor, who serves as 1st District Chair of the GAGOP, which gives her a seat on the state and executive committees of the party.
According to the bylaws of the GAGOP, “The State Executive Committee shall have the duty, responsibility, power, and authority to 15 conduct the affairs of the GRP between meetings of the State Committee and between State 16 Conventions, including without limitation exercising statewide jurisdiction and control over 17 party affairs.” In other words, being a member of that committee is a pretty big deal. If one is a member of this committee, they have an obligation to behave in a way that is not detrimental to the party. If they do not, they can be removed by a 2/3rds vote of the larger state committee, as is what happened to 1st Vice Chair Brian K. Pritchard, who refused to resign after it came to light a judge had found that he voted illegally.
In the podcast, we laid out the case that Kandiss Taylor should either resign or be removed for her blatantly antisemitic statements on a holocaust denying, white nationalist’s podcast. And we did not spare Georgia Republican Party Chairman, Josh McKoon, from criticism for remaining silent about her status or her outrageous and condemnably stupid comments. In fact, we labeled this, “Josh McKoon’s Kandiss Taylor problem.”
Today, AJC political reporter, Greg Bluestein, tweeted out a joint statement from McKoon and Chuck Berk, who serves as the co-chair of the Atlanta chapter of the Republican Jewish Coalition.
In the statement, McKoon writes that Kandiss Taylor does not speak for the Georgia Republican Party.
But until she decides to resign or is removed, she actually does. I’m sorry, that’s just reality. There is a reason her hateful and hurtful comments went viral instantly; because of her position in the GAGOP. Like I pointed out straight at the top of this post, if she didn’t have a position within the GAGOP, she is just another crackpot spewing vitriolic language.
If this was just one instance of churning out what has become a near constant stream of nuttery, okay then. Everyone should have at least one shot at making amends. Everyone of us is capable of stepping in the dog poo once in a while. But it happens with such shocking and alarming regularity that it can no longer be tolerated.
Here is just a partial and woefully incomplete list:
- Kandiss Taylor advances birtherism theory.
- Kandiss Taylor says we should only be electing Christians.
- Kandiss Taylor says we need “Extreme Accountability”
- Kandiss Taylor says that globes are propaganda
So while I personally appreciate Josh McKoon making an effort to say she doesn’t speak for the party, how many more times is he willing to have to make that statement? Isn’t this one significant enough to have the party move on? I don’t want to be unfair to McKoon, it is not just his decision. But I know he has the leadership ability to get it done if he chooses to do so.
It is important to note that when Taylor was called out for not only agreeing with the antisemitic nonsense espoused on the podcast, she called her critics liars. Even in the face of video evidence.
And then, in her, “apology” that McKoon mentions in his statement, she offers no apology at all. Instead, she tried to back track from her statements by claiming she wasn’t clear.
What a giant load of manure.
I watched it. It wasn’t just a throw away line. Taylor added additional examples of how she believes the Jews control everything. She was completely clear.
I mean, when is enough actually enough? I know I am giving Josh McKoon a very hard time, but this remains a problem, his problem, and will continue to be until she is no longer in a leadership role in the party.
You know, William Shakespeare believed the world was flat. He said, “All the world’s a stage.” And what are stages? Flat. I rest my case.
I suppose this doesn’t bode well for the eBay futures on Kandiss Taylor’s panties.