Peach Pundit The Podcast: What A Time To Be Alive
Jason was stuck in Mos Eisley, nevertheless, Scot and I persisted and produced a podcast.
Topics in this episode include:
- Scot vs the State Election Board.
- Harris vs Trump debate reactions.
- Harris called Trump a Liar for saying she supports gun buybacks. Warnock is noncommittal.
- GRA and Catoosa County GOP lose…. again.
- GYR’s have second convention with same result.
- Senator Russ Goodman gets our tweet of the week.
- Judge sides with the Dems, tosses Cornell West, decision pending on Socialist candidate.
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I’m a little surprised that no one has talked about the geese being protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). This makes it illegal to harm, kill, sell, purchase, or possess Canada geese, their eggs, or their nests without the proper permits.
Committing a crime as a legal immigrant usually results in deportation.
What’s good for the goose I suppose.
Lake life brought on cohabitation with geese for me. I’ve actually gotten the permits in the past. Shot them, destroyed nests, and otherwise tried to prevent these noisy vermin from destroying my plants and leaving piles that a great dane would be proud of. I have no problem with hungry people eating them and since they are not even close to being endangered would hope for a cessation of government involvement protecting them as well. My ultimate solution was the smartest blue heeler on the planet.
The real problem with Trump’s statement was repeating the lie likely told by Russian plants that the immigrants were eating people’s pets, which yes, was addressed by the moderators as they should have. Yes, unlike CNN. they challenged his lies and exaggerations. So what? This is a guy now blaming the Jan. 6 riots on the Capitol Police and Nancy Pelosi. His obvious lies shouldn’t go unchallenged.
It would just be refreshing for someone like me to see the media call out both sides when they lie. And there were so… so many lies that Harris told. And also, as I mentioned, with receipts, during the podcast not everything Trump was accused of lying about was a lie.
Also, a good dog can be the solution to so many of our problems. Give my best to your bestest blue heeler.