Judge Orders Willis to Comply with State Senate Committee Subpoena

In another blow to embattled Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Shukura Ingram has issued an order requiring Willis to comply with a State Senate Committee subpoena investigating her actions as DA.

According to WBS-TV, Judge Shukura Ingram filed the order Monday, telling Willis she has until Jan. 13 to submit arguments over whether the subpoenas seek legally shielded or confidential information. Ingram wrote that the would issue a final order later saying what Willis had to respond to.

Earlier this month, Willis, represented by former Democratic Governor Roy Barnes, sough to squash the Senate’s subpoena arguing ,“This is not a legitimate legislative purpose. This — this is nothing but a charade.”

Attorney Josh Belinfante, former Executive Counsel to Republican Governor Sonny Perdue, who defeated Barnes in the 2002 election, argued that the State Senate was well in their rights to investigate and subpoena Willis as the state constitution did not prohibit the Senate from acting in that capacity.

While the legislation authorizing the Senate Committee and its investigation expires with the new biennial session, State Senator Greg Dolezal plans to propose legislation to continue the committee at the beginning of the new session in January.

Willis can still, and likely will, appeal Ingram’s decision to the Georgia Supreme Court.