McKoon Serves Pritchard Notice
In the fallout over a court’s finding that First Vice Chair of the Georgia Republican Party, Brian K. Pritchard, voted illegally nine times, Chair of the Party, Josh McKoon, has formally called for a meeting to oust the former from his position within the party.
State party rule 7.5 (A) lays out the need for 32 days notice to the person subject to removal:
Any State officer, other than those appointed by the State Chairman, may be removed from office for cause by a vote of a two-thirds (2/3) of a quorum present at any duly called meeting of the State Committee; provided however, such individual must be given written notice of said meeting mailed or circulated by written electronic communication at least thirty-two (32) days in advance thereof, setting forth the grounds for removal, and be given an opportunity to be heard in person or by his representative. “Cause” as used herein shall include continued failure to perform his duties or conduct detrimental to the best interests of the GRP, all as may be determined by the two-third (2/3) vote of a quorum of the State Committee.
By my best count, the full state committee of the party has 178 members, meaning Brian K. Pritchard will need to convince about 60 people that having been found by a court to have voted illegally nine times is somehow not detrimental to the party.
Narrator: It is detrimental to the party to have a First Vice Chair who was found by a court to have voted illegally nine times.
News broke that the court made their finding that Pritchard had voted illegally on Sine Die and it took the Democrats in the legislature mere hours to seize on it. During debate on SB 189 State Rep Saira Draper, a Democrat from Dekalb County, took to the well to mock Republicans for bringing legislation meant to address voter confidence while harboring someone in their party who has actually committed voter fraud. Not long after that State Senator Derek Mallow, a Democrat from Savannah, did the same.
There can be little to no justification to argue Pritchard’s refusal to resign and his continued presence in party leadership isn’t detrimental to the party at a time when Republicans nationwide have taken up the cause of election integrity. For him to stay would make all of us in the GOP, not just Georgia, look like a motley collection of flaming hypocrites.
The required 32 day notice went out on April 4th, meaning May 6th should be circled on our calendars. It is on mine, anyways.
Anyone want to bet against my prediction that BKP will claim he was never notified in the required 32 days OR he did not receive the written notice within the 32 days?
“such individual must be given written notice of said meeting mailed or circulated by written electronic communication at least thirty-two (32) days in advance thereof, setting forth the grounds for removal, and be given an opportunity to be heard in person or by his representative”
Hope the Ga GOP sent a note to BKP’s Instagram account too…..
We are told his camp is making calls in an effort to drum up support for him to stay. It will be difficult to claim he didn’t receive the notice at this point.
But then again… this is the K we are talking about. So I am not taking your bet.