Senate Floats Out Congressional Maps
Yesterday Lt. Governor Duncan and Senate Reapportionment Chair John Kennedy released the Senate’s proposed map for Georgia’s 14 Congressional Districts.
“It is clear that this map not only meets principles of redistricting, but we are proud to present a map that regardless of political party, Georgians can be proud of,” said Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan. “Ensuring that any maps we produce are fair, compact, and keep communities of interest together, will continue to be of upmost importance.”
“Even given the delay of official Census numbers, the Senate Redistricting Committee has diligently worked to ensure that we hear from citizens across all regions of the state,” said Chairman John F. Kennedy. “Looking at this map, it is obvious that Georgians have been heard, and will continue to be heard.”
Here it is:

A couple of quick thoughts on this:
- 7th district Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux is in a stronger Democratic district.
- 6th district Congresswoman Lucy McBath is in a stronger Republican district and likely will have a tough time being reelected.
- 9th District Congressman Andrew Clyde is now in the 10th. His business is in Athens, so I’m assuming he lives there too. If I’m wrong, please let me know.
- The new 9th district appears to be an open seat, and in a nod to Speaker of the House David Ralston, that would be his home district and he would presumable be interested in who represents him in Congress.
- All other incumbents appear to be in good shape, at least when it comes to challenges from the other party.
The House will have their own plan, but for fun let’s assume the final map looks something like this proposal, and ponder some questions:
- Which district does Andrew Clyde run in, the new 9th or the new 10th? If it’s the new 10th, what do the dozen or so candidates currently running in the old 10th do?
- If not Clyde, who runs in the new 9th district? Does Doug Collins want to get back in the game?
- Do the Hall county power brokers, who in times past had Governor Deal, Lt. Governor Cagle, and Congressman Collins representing them, have a candidate for the new 9th district?
- This map seems to leave former 7th district candidate Rich McCormick out in the cold. Does he run in the crowded 6th, which would now include all of Forsyth county, and where he ran strong in 2020?
- What other candidates will emerge now that a proposed map is up for consideration?