Yesterday, attorney Brent Herrin, Counsel for the Georgia Republican Coalition, Inc. filed an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief in the ongoing court battle…
The Catoosa County GOP must be tired of all the winning by now. The misguided souls who have raided and taken over county level Republican…
There is an old saying that the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The Catoosa…
While initial reports were U.S. Federal District Court Judge Billy Ray was not going to issue a Ruling in the case brought to his courtroom…
U.S. Federal District Court Judge Billy Ray asked a simple question to Georgia Republican Assembly President Alex Johnson, the one time Ron Paul activist who,…
With the Georgia Court of Appeals not willing to take up the appeal filed by the Catoosa County Republican Party until the August calendar, long…
Doug Grammer is a long time Republican Activist from North Georgia. He has held so many leadership positions within the party over the years that…
The types of actions the Whitfield GOP have engaged in here further highlight just how contentious the waters are that McKoon must navigate. I am continuing to root for him, but cannot help but wonder how many long time conservative activists have decided to just stop participating in the party because of stuff just like this.
When you are Joseph Stalin, the only vote that matters is yours. The thing about becoming The Establishment is, once you have been around a…