Taylor scouring the flat earth for GOP primary candidates
For a site like Peach Pundit, people like Kandiss Taylor (R – Flat Earth) is a gift that keeps on giving.
Just. Keeps. On. Giving…like this little nugget below.

Publicly announcing she is recruiting primary challengers on a platform like Facebook is cute. It also represents the best opportunity for the House and Senate caucuses to absolutely flex and destroy the delusions of those that believe they can just flip seats at will…
…and, Taylor is absolutely delusional enough to believe that. Here’s the back of her baseball card:
- Claims the election was stolen, proven by the fact that she had 20,000 more volunteers than votes. “Given that my vote total currently lags my number of volunteers by nearly 20,000, I do not trust these election results…” were her exact words on her post from 2022
- Sees a conspiracy afoot by virtue of the fact there are globes everywhere, meant to brainwash children into believing the Earth is a sphere (or more accurately, an oblate spheroid)
- Headlined an event called “How we will win…” in Cherokee County. Shared by our fellow writer here, not two months after having the election stolen from her, she headlines an event on how to get elections stolen from you.
But, to the real point of what makes this good for readers of Peach Pundit: The Blog and political operatives. You need to take this opportunity to absolutely electorally bludgeon moron people for doing moron things. This is your time to shine, buddies!
We write plenty on this blog about the crazy things people are doing right now. What we don’t write enough about is the good work that legislators are carrying on in our Republican coalition. Republican legislators have protected a thriving local economy, passed improvements to our education system to help children learn to read better, not to mention working with our publisher on his personal mission to help families in their pursuit of justice.
Assembly Republicans should absolute cherish these moments. Primaries against idiots are wonderful things to see. First, they give us an opportunity to build a machine and stress test it against more feeble opposition. We work out the kinks before hitting the general election against better organized and, one would think, more difficult opposition. Second, it gives Republicans an opportunity to contrast for general election voters against the extreme left and extreme right. More Americans identify as politically independent, which means there is a growing segment of persuadable voters in the general. They might lean conservative or progressive, but that doesn’t mean they’re dogmatic. Drawing contrast with crazy is always a good thing. Third, and this cannot be discounted, it’s just fun to win. It bolsters the spirt.
Those that worry about primaries tend to fret over small things.
They’ll claim they need to save money for the general, but that sounds more like us grifters than it does legitimate candidates. It doesn’t take an egregious amount of money to win. Be better organized. Spend your money wisely. You’ll be just fine.
Kandiss Taylor gives us a golden opportunity. Yes, it’s crazy that she sits on the executive board of the GOP, and it seems a bit crazy to me that the party’s bylaws are being purposefully ignored by a party official — but, so be it.
Winners go out and win. Let’s hoping our Republican caucus members are ready to go out and absolutely demolish pretenders.
Could just be I’m rusty on reading, but I’m perplexed by the 2nd part of the next to last paragraph, Grifty:
“…and it seems a bit crazy to me that the party’s bylaws are not being purposefully ignored by a party official — but, so be it.”
Why is the word “not” in there? She IS purposefully ignoring the party bylaws regarding engaging in actions to use her party position to engage in recruiting people to challenge our own elected members of the General Assembly.
Good catch and corrected. Grifting over the holidays is an exercise in stream of thought writing with eggnog in hand…