Republican Strahan To Challenge MTG in the 14th.

Republican Jennifer Strahan has announced her intention to take on Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene in Georgia’s 14th district.

(Jennifer) Strahan is a founder of a health care consulting firm and presents herself as a political outsider. Strahan has also held several other positions in the health care industry, including with the Atlanta WellStar Health System. She said that business experience will help her be a more effective representative. 

“A as a business owner, as an executive, if I’m elected, I will make sure that I’m putting Georgia first and not being focused on being a celebrity, but actually rolling up my sleeves and getting work done for the district,” Strahan told Fox News. 

Greene countered that not only is she effective, she’s the most effective Republican in the U.S House!

“I have been the most effective member of the GOP conference this session because I’ve stood on the House floor and demanded roll call votes on the Democrats’ Communist agenda and the rest of the party has joined my efforts.”

People run for Congress for different reasons. It’s become apparent during her brief time in the Congress that Marjorie Taylor Greene considers it her job is to “fight.” Fighting means to say snarky and outrageous things on social media so that her personal fame and celebrity grows. Greene has raised a ton of money and traveled the country, but she hasn’t actually done the job of a Member of Congress. I understand she was kicked off all committees, making it harder to do her job, but that was as a direct result of her actions.

Yuval Levin talks about this in his book “A Time To Build.” If we want the institution of Congress to work, we need people in that institution to care more about doing the hard, boring work of legislating, then they do in building their fame and seeking the next opportunity for themselves. If we like what we’re seeing out of Congress and folks like Greene, Matt Gaetz, Ilhan Omar and AOC, then let’s keep electing people whose agenda is more about their personal careers then representing their constituents.

I have no idea if Jennifer Strahan has a chance, my current pessimism about the short term future of the GOP leads me to think Strahan has little chance of winning, but I applaud her for having the guts to put herself out there. I hope she at least forces Greene to give a sober accounting of her tumultuous first term in office.


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