Ali. Milo. Marjorie. Creepy. Sleazy. Gross. Are we tired of winning yet?

WARNING: This is not going to be a family friendly post. Blame the “Stop The Steal” crowd for the nastiness that follows, not me.

News broke yesterday that Ali Alexander, one of the leaders of the “Stop The Steal” movement that popped up to support Trump’s claims the 2020 Presidential election was stolen, allegedly had a nasty habit of requesting pictures of young men’s junk. Alexander sorta apologized, but also claims he is “being persecuted for his faith in Jesus Christ and our republic.

Why should we care way down here in Georgia? Because some years ago Ali Alexander, going by the name Ali Akbar, was an active member of various Republican Party organizations here in the Peach State. At one point he attended an old Peach Pundit gathering. How long he lived here, or if he ever actually lived here, I’m not sure, but folks who have been around the Georgia GOP for a while remember him.

He now lives in Texas, and has over the years allegedly been involved in some “extra-legal” activities. Somehow he became a key figure in the January 6, 2021 Riots, organizing an event and saying from the stage some rather inflammatory things that caught the ears of the Congressional January 6th Committee.

The present nastiness seems to be coming to light because Ali got into a tiff with our very own Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, and her current or one-time intern/campaign aide Milo Yiannopoulos. Milo, you may recall, got into a spot of bother by allegedly defending pedophilia. His political career was pretty much dead until MTG hired him.

Ali threatened to reveal evidence he claims to have that MTG broke the law. Greene for her part is now calling on the FBI to investigate Ali. Meanwhile, coming to the aid of his pal Ali, alt-right, alleged anti-Semite Nick Fuentes claims to have proof that Milo lives in a house here in Georgia owned by MTG’s campaign, you know, the house where she was swatted. You might recall that MTG attended one of Nick’s events not too long ago, claiming she didn’t know who he was.

Confused? Disgusted? So am I. Yet, these are the kinds of people being gifted positions of influence and leadership, and in some cases even elected office, in today’s brave bold Party of Trump.

Are you tired of winning yet?

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