Kratom is a drug that supposedly can help those with chronic pain and anxiety. It can also be used as an opioid substitute. However, if used inappropriately, Kratom can become highly addictive, and can even kill. Kratom can make you high, and it is readily available to you and to your children, just by walking into a convenience store.
Kratom is an unregulated drug. The FDA has never approved Kratom
Rehab facilities are now seeing patients who have become addicted to Kratom. Emergency Rooms are often filled with people, many of them children, who are experiencing adverse side effects of it.
During the 2023 Legislative Session, Representative Rick Townsend (Dist. 179) introduced a bill (HB 181), which would at least require Kratom to be placed behind the counter in stores where it is sold. This bill passed the House, but was never voted on in the Senate. It will once again be addressed in the Senate in 2024. It is CRUCIAL that this bill be passed.
Please educate your children and family members of the dangers of Kratom and its addictive powers. Kratom can KILL.
Please call your State Senator and ask him/her to pass this bill. It could save a life!
Great information!
Fake information!
Surprise, surprise you took down my post. Can’t have any free speech. But you can spread bold face lies. I can assume State First Vice Chairman, GAGOP, Chairman, Forsyth County GOP, Carolyn Hall Fisher has stocks with drug companies. Can’t have Mother Nature compromising profits can we? You people in government are PARASITES! All trash. The Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, and fake conservatives all make me SICK! To Hell with all of you! And thats exactly where you will be.