Honored To Be Here

I always loved reading Peach Pundit. In fact, some mornings I would check to see what the latest was from Erick, Charlie, Jason, and Buzz before I even looked at the AJC. Always gritty and organic, it was a real, and straightforward look into the latest in Georgia politics from people who actually lived it – not just wrote about it. So, I was so excited when I heard that Scot Turner had revived it as the new Editor-in-Chief.

About a month ago, Scot reached out to me and asked if I would come on as a contributor and I immediately said yes. He asked that my first post be an introduction, and I was set to write it when tragedy struck my family. My mother became ill and passed away unexpectedly three days later. I was devastated, and needless to say, politics was put on the back burner.

So, today I am writing this introductory post on Election Day. For those who know me, the next couple of paragraphs will be very boring. For those who do not, I look forward to writing about things that interest you and hope that my commitment to building coalitions comes through in my posts.

We are a very politically active family. I currently serve as President of Main Street Network Strategies – a communications and political consulting firm that specializes in campaign and issues messaging, and coalition building. Earlier in my career I worked as a legislative aide in the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee and served as Communications Director and Press Secretary of the Georgia Republican Party. I have held party office in the GOP, been a delegate to two national conventions, and in 2012 was a Presidential Elector. I have worked on campaigns on the local, state and national levels, and have served on advisory boards for two Presidential campaigns.

I am happily married to the love of my life, Jason Thompson, who is an attorney and the current Republican National Committeeman for Georgia, serving his second term. My daughter, Victoria was Chairman of the Kennesaw State University College Republicans. My son, Hayden, is a senior in high school and is focused 100% on football, basketball and his social life.

Although it seems like a lifetime ago, from 2009-2012, I was very involved as a leader of the Tea Party movement, when it was focused on personal responsibility, free markets, and limited government. It has been almost ten years since I was involved in the Atlanta Tea Party, but I am still amazed at how quickly and strongly the movement grew when it focused on its original tenants.

Time and experience continues to shape my politics and who I choose to support. A lot has changed over the past couple of years for me, for Georgia, and for our nation, and I am excited to talk about it all. But, for now, let me say that I am honored to be here!

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