Perdue’s Latest Ad Features Handshake with Former Cop Accused of Distributing Child Porn
Well, when you put it like that it sounds pretty bad.
In David Perdue’s latest campaign ad, which heavily features Donald Trump, The former Senator can be seen shaking the hand of Grady Sanford. Sanford, the former Chief Deputy of Forsyth County, was was arrested and charged with two counts of distribution of child pornography in November of 2020. He lost his job the same day.
For the Forsyth Sherriff’s part, he reacted swiftly, and understanbly with shock. After all, one of his most trusted and highest ranking employees had just been found with enough evidence to create probable cause to be arrested for one of our most heinous crimes.

And then Sanford showed up in a tv ad shaking hands with David Perdue. It was only for a few seconds, and meant to show that Perdue is tough on crime. But the footage the Perdue campaign chose to use reinforces a common perception of David Perdue; he is out of touch.

How much more ridiculous can David Perdue appear? He is an embarrassment to the Republican party.