The Weather Machines of the Gods

Science Fiction author Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

The post below came up in my feed this morning, but we’ve been hearing for the past couple of weeks that the government has been controlling the weather and being challenged to PROVE THEM WRONG.

They have used patent applications for weather control devices as their proof. Never mind a patent application does not indicate a working device, but only protect what the inventor THINKS will work and wants to protect it during research and development. If the U.S. actually had a weather control device that could create hurricanes, it would be surely labelled “TOP SECRET” and not found in general patent applications.

We have been doing cloud seeding to produce rain for decades. It’s not an exact science, but generally works if the atmosphere has enough moisture. Seeding allows for droplets to attach to the “seeds” and finally gain enough mass to fall to the ground as rain.

Cloud seeding does not produce 100 mph winds. It does not produce hurricanes. We all have experienced pop-up storms on the coast. Cloud seeding would produce heavier rain, not a CAT 3 hurricane…but prove them wrong.

Ancient pagan religions assigned malice to weather. If there was a storm, it was the anger of the gods. Zeus controlled the lightening and used it as a tool of his wrath. As Christianity’s message of a loving God seeking reconciliation with His creation pushed out the idea of wrathful gods who used humanity for their personal amusement, no one ever proved Zeus was wrong…he was just replaced and forgotten except in myth and legend. Other gods fell to the same fate with the Norse gods remembered, not as actual divine and supreme beings, but heroes and villains in Marvel comics and the MCU. But prove those who worshiped those pantheons wrong.

As a Christian, I cannot prove my God does or does not exist. It is a logic fallacy to demand proof of a negative. In reality, we can prove nothing exists, only offer evidence. We believe George Washington existed. We have evidence of his existence in the form of writings, some that allege to be his and others that are alleged to be eyewitness accounts of his deeds, but none of us have personally observed him. We have his and his wife’s graves at the home he is reported to have built. But that’s not proof…just more evidence. The overwhelming body of evidence makes it more likely than not that George Washington existed, so we rely on that assumption, so PROVE ME WRONG!

This brings me back to Clarke’s statement. While those claiming a government conspiracy to control the weather is based on “sufficiently advanced technology” rather than “magic,” it is not technology they have personally observed. It is their belief…an article of faith…that has allowed them to focus on the malice of the petty deities that run our government to focus their wrath on those who they believe belong to them and dare any heretics to PROVE THEM WRONG.

In the post modern age, many have discussed the danger of reclassifying opinion as “one’s truth.” We have seen this on the left for years. If one’s opinion or belief becomes “truth” then can there be actual truth?

Christianity has always argued there is absolute truth, and it is the basis and foundation of the faith as Jesus told his disciples, “I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life” (John 14:6) <emphasis added>.

Through their truth, these post modern pagans have taken the control of the weather from the hands of the pagan gods of the ancients and created a new pantheon in the alphabet soup of acronyms that comprise Federal Government agencies.

You don’t need the malice of ZEUS when you can assign the same to NOAA or FEMA. After all, both Olympus and the White House are adorned with white columns. And both Olympus and the White House had/have their fanatics and their high priests. Both would dare you to PROVE THEM WRONG!

For the rest of us, hurricane season means nature at its worse. For many Christians, God allowing something to happen is the most the divine involves Himself, but acts of nature are simply part of living in a fallen world, though there are some who would still assign God’s wrath. After all, even insurance policies have exclusions for so called “Acts of God” in their policies. Either way, whether it is because of lack of intervention or a purposeful event, C.S. Lewis looked at disaster working for ultimate good. He wrote, “Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”  

Surely, we do see the best of us when disaster happens. It pulls us together to comfort those we can and provide for those in need. We restart. We rebuild. And no one does it like Americans. It is not surprising that two of the first organizations on the ground in this disaster are the Southern Baptist Convention and the Salvation Army…both Christian organizations.  If malice is assigned to FEMA for a slow response to increase the pain the Government god smote the wicked in western North Carolina and Florida with their weather machines for daring NOT to bow before the alter of Biden/Harris, these two Christian denominations certainly aren’t looking at increasing the pain but easing it in the name of their God. Let’s not forget though that FEMA has never been a “first responder” agency and cannot even act until the Governors make the request to the President who signs the order to mobilize. It brings to mind the wisdom of Ronald Wilson Reagan who said the most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help!”

It used to be the left that had the highest number of people who espoused no belief in a higher power but for the government, which is why it was not surprising that the video to kick off the 2012 Democratic National Convention proudly proclaimed that “the government” was the “one thing we all belonged to.”

As secularism replaces faith and church attendance continues its decline in society, just as the One God pushed out the many gods, the secular god begins to push out the One God.  

In the Roman Republic, there were the many gods, but it wasn’t until the Republic fell that Romans began being required to worship the Emperor as a god as well, and Caesar’s wrath would be bourn on those who failed to worship him…especially on a small community in the eastern end of the empire, who saw not Caesar’s truth, but ultimate truth in their One God. In Rome, when the government wasn’t a god, it was more tolerant. When it became a god, heresy was not tolerated.

MAGA already has a reputation of intolerance to any and all heresy. For now, they are content to simply label all who won’t worship their golden idol as “R.I.N.O.s” (Republican in Name Only) – even those of us who have publicly proclaimed we are, in fact, still planning on voting for Donald Trump. However, as society shifts from reliance on the divine to reliance on a government in decline, then, like the Great and Powerful Oz, technology will be path to miracles and the supernatural though government created Deus ex machina (god from a machine).

If the only way to explain the “magic” is through a false belief in non-existent sufficiently advanced technology allegedly created by a government that cannot successfully deliver mail, then that takes more faith than I am willing to muster up to believe in a government so powerful it can control the very winds of the earth. For now, I will stick to my belief in a Jewish carpenter and itinerant teacher who travelled Judaea about 2,000 years ago preaching “love God and love your neighbor” and, after being executed, rose again. I have no proof it happened…less proof than I have that George Washington lived, but I, and billions of others like me believe it. And our numbers are far more than those who believe the government can control the weather.