The GAGOP is Mildly Upset

The circular firing squad that has been the result of the GAGOP’s loss of the Presidency and two Senate seats continues. The GAGOP is mildly upset that Sec. Raffensperger won’t sit down and have a chat with their specially tasked subcommittee. Hate to break it to them, but Raffensperger will likely continue to ignore them. We’ll see if the GAGOP upgrades from mildly upset to mad and maybe even mad mad when the Subcommittee to Purge the Unbeliever continues to get ignored by the guy that did his constitutionally defined job and didn’t find some “extra” votes.

Press release below:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                 
Press Contact: Stewart Bragg
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Fails to Respond to GAGOP Executive Committee ATLANTA, GA – Last week the State Executive Committee of the Georgia Republican Party unanimously adopted a resolution calling on Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to make a statement repudiating the misconduct of certain of his employees.

A subcommittee was appointed to discuss the resolution with Secretary Raffensperger. He has dodged repeated attempts by the subcommittee to meet with him either in person or electronically.

His failure to respond will force the State Executive Committee to consider additional action with regards to this matter.

For questions, contact Stewart Bragg at (404) 500-9546 or

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