Maybe You’ll Figure it out One Day

As the title said, maybe you will. Maybe you won’t. (What it is to figure out, maybe you’ll figure it out one day). I’m cynical as hell and Georgia’s last two (now almost three) election cycles have done that to me and the best of us. That said, the Gentleman from Cherokee County, Mr. Turner, invited me to come on board this adventure. I’m well aware of the fact that you and I won’t agree on EVERYTHING but we agree on the important things and that’s what matters. All the different perspectives we bring to the table help us find the path to follow to carve out a good future for our beloved Peach State.

And if you at least haven’t figured out that Louise Grizzard is a play on the name of the great Georgian, Lewis Grizzard, then as Mr. Grizzard said himself, you are “a heathen who doesn’t love the Lord, not to mention Southeastern Conference Football.” As Mr. Grizzard contributed to the AJC, I felt as a female voice contributing to the Peach Pundit, it was befitting to honor the man and strive to evoke a semblance of his humor. I’ll work to provide my honest, cynical perspective on the goings-on once or twice a week. It depends on who and what needs to be poked at and/or raked over the coals because God knows, Georgia is the new wild west. We no longer have rules.

So, I look forward to getting to know you all and collectively figuring it out. Take my contributions for what you will but I hope I can provide humor, the occasional provoking of thoughts, and more than anything, a genuine, honest perspective on these Peachy Politics. Night, night y’all.

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