MTG Shows Enlarged, Graphic Pics of Hunter Biden in Congressional Hearing

When Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green starts her time during a Congressional hearing with a parental advisory disclaimer, you should listen. That’s my biggest take away after watching her portion of a meeting of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee which occurred yesterday.

The hearing was to focus on IRS whistleblowers and how they reportedly notified Congress that the Biden Family had created 20 shell corporations and those shell companies had received upwards of $20M from foreign nationals. This is a series of events that are worth further investigation.

What the hearing will be remembered for, however, is how Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene took her show boating to a new and seemingly unsurpassable level by showing naked pictures of Hunter Biden on a large poster board during the hearing.

You read that right. This is the world we live in now:

A real tweet from a real reporter

I will let Jason Shepherd weigh in if the inclusion and distribution of those images in Georgia are a potential violation of Georgia’s new Revenge Porn Law.

Over on the podcast, Buzz has let Pye and I know that he is really tired of talking about MTG. I have to admit, I am too, however how can we not talk about something like this? I am well aware that by giving her this type of attention that we are providing oxygen to the fire she has used to destroy every possible social norm. If there is evidence that our society is sick, it is that she does things like this unfettered and unchallenged by the upstanding people in her own party.

These antics are just gross. And they don’t advance her argument or any point she is trying to make because her methods overshadow her message. A year from now, people will remember this hearing not because some brave government employees put their careers on the line by blowing the whistle on potentially deeply corrupt and powerful people, but instead, they will remember how she once showed naked pictures of the President’s son. During a Congressional Hearing.

A more skilled statesman could have made the same points she did yesterday so that the impact came from the evidence and not the self serving showmanship that has defined her time in office. I am convinced that the latter is what she values most and until or unless that changes her social norm destroying behavior will continue.

And if her heart is going to change it is going to take a Road to Damascus moment, because Lord knows, her leadership and the people who surround her aren’t going to try to get her to act more decently.

2 Replies to “MTG Shows Enlarged, Graphic Pics of Hunter Biden in Congressional Hearing”

  1. ” I am well aware that by giving her this type of attention that we are providing oxygen to the fire she has used to destroy every possible social norm”….

    Oh come now…..there are plenty more social norms left for her to destroy. 🙂

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