Campaign Donors Bought MTG a $92,000 Vehicle
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene used donors’ campaign contributions to buy herself a luxury vehicle worth over $92,000, FEC records show.
The expenditure will prove controversial as the May 24 primary approaches, not just because of the expensive, swanky nature of the vehicle, but because Greene’s second biggest source of donations is retired Americans—meaning she effectively raided donors’ Social Security checks to buy a tricked-out vehicle from a Buick/GMC dealership. shows that Taylor Greene’s second biggest “industry” donating to her was “retired,” meaning senior citizens who are increasingly finding themselves cash-strapped as Bidenflation continues to bite hard have been bankrolling her campaign expenditures, including on this high-end vehicle.

It’s not clear quite what car or truck MTG would have bought for $92,000.
As of the time of writing, the website of the dealership in question shows no vehicles for sale with a sticker price above $81,860. That would get you a brand spanking new 2022 GMC Sierra 2500 HD AT4 truck complete with leather upholstery, two first row LCD monitors, a Premium GMC Infotainment System, and six speakers. So whatever MTG bought, it’s swankier than this.
Playing around on the GMC website, it looks like she ordered a 2022 GMC Yukon XL SUV with just about every available amenity and add-on.

You’ve got to wonder how old ladies living in California, Texas, or Florida—because as noted, MTG raises more money in each of these states than she does in Georgia—contemplating having to switch over to cat food to make their Social Security checks stretch so they can occasionally toss $5 here or there to MTG would feel about this.
Because spending campaign money on stuff like this isn’t about sticking it to Nancy Pelosi, impeaching Joe Biden, fighting the woke left, or anything like that. It’s just about MTG according lavish benefits on herself, enjoying the fruits of being a politician, and self-dealing in a luxurious, and legal—but not necessarily ethical—way.
It is astounding how truly stupid this woman is.