Qualifying to run for the state legislature will come to an end tomorrow at noon and the biggest surprise so far is that no one…
Lookout Mountain Circuit Superior Court Judge Don Thompson didn’t mince words today after a 1:00 pm hearing in the case of the five Republican candidates…
Another day, more contested races! The House is up to 47 contested general election races with 30 primaries; 18 Democrat and 12 GOP. Meanwhile over…
The Senate Special Committee on Investigations heard sworn testimony from Ashleigh Merchant today. Merchant is the attorney for Michael Roman, one of Donald Trump’s codefendants…
Below you will find links to the court filings of Larry Black, Chairman of the Catoosa County Board of Commissioners, Jeffery Long, Catoosa County Commissioner…
18 Democrat Primaries, 12 GOP Primaries, and 45 General Election contests, so far.
O.C.G.A. § 21-2-596. Failure of Public or Political Officer to Perform Duty Any public officer or any officer of a political party or body on…
When you are Joseph Stalin, the only vote that matters is yours. The thing about becoming The Establishment is, once you have been around a…
Here is a list of everyone who qualified to run for either a State House or State Senate seat after the first day of qualifying…
Hypocrisy in Black communities from elected leaders is beyond unacceptable and costly to those who need someone to fight for them. For the sake of “keeping it real,” this is dangerous. Reality does not permit “letting things slide” when people have mouths to feed. We must stop protecting leaders that have given us nothing to “take to the bank.”