It was a wild one tonight, but don’t blame us, blame the news. Topic included: Be sure to subscribe to the Peach Pundit Podcast on…
Oh mama, I’m in fear for my life from the long arm of the lawLawman has put an end to my runnin’, and I’m so…
WARNING: This is not going to be a family friendly post. Blame the “Stop The Steal” crowd for the nastiness that follows, not me. News…
Scot was out of town and left Jason and I to our own devices. Topics this week included: Be sure to subscribe to the Peach…
We’re sorry we missed last week, but baseball and those darned Politicians blew up our schedule. But were back and not shying away from issues…
That’s the headline that would have been written in the in the main stream media if State Senator Josh McLaurin (D – Sandy Springs) was…
SB 233, the Promise Scholarship Account legislations failed last night by a vote of 85-89. One Democrat crossed over to vote with the Republicans, while…
As I look back on my freshman legislative session, I know one thing — I have learned more in the last eleven weeks than I…
On Thursday the House moved to table SB 233, the Promise Scholarship Account bill. Five Republicans were not on the Floor of the House for…
All three of us were here again and we tried to get everyone up to speed on the latest in Georgia and National politics, but…