Doug Collins Is Not Running in 2022

There has been some speculation that former Rep. Doug Collins, who unsuccessfully ran for U.S. Senate in 2020, could make another run for U.S. Senate or challenge Gov. Brian Kemp in 2022. Collins released a statement today announcing that he will not be a candidate for any office in the upcoming cycle.

2 Replies to “Doug Collins Is Not Running in 2022”

  1. Wow.

    My initial reactions are:
    1) Brian Kemp is a winner here.
    2) The media keeps talking about how Herschel Walker is scaring Republicans out of running for U.S. Senate. I disagree. I think it was Collins and Loeffler. Now that Collins is out, what will Loeffler do?
    3) It’s a great time to NOT be a candidate for office. Doug Collins has been in office for a long time. Now he has a paying job and a radio show. I completely understand why he’d want to make some money and spend more time with his wife and kids. Good for him, Enjoy life Mr. Collins!

    1. 1) I’m not sure about that considering Kemp’s own problems. Plus, his handpicked candidate lost.
      2) Loeffler would be wise to save herself some money and sit this one out.
      3) I agree with you here.

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