Retired Army Colonel Declares in GA-06

Retired Army Colonel Eric Welsh has announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District. (His campaign sent the press release, like, three times today. I was going to post this after the first time, guys.) Welsh is hoping to take on Rep. Lucy McBath, who is in her second term in the House.

“I’m running for Congress because we need conservative leadership in Washington to deal with the big issues facing our district and country,” Welsh said in the announcement. “Career politicians are failing our country. I’m an outsider who’s tested, trusted, and tough. That’s what we need in the halls of Congress.”

Welsh, a Bronze Star and Purple Heart recipient, leaned heavily on his 27-year military career, noting that he “commanded the finest troops this nation could ever produce” and blasted “weak-kneed politicians who would rather hug, tweet, or produce Tik-Tok videos than fight.” He called McBath ” a single-issue partisan hack” and alleged that she “sat idly by while Major League Baseball kicked the All-Star game out of our state, and the jobs that went with it disappeared.”

“I’m running to represent Georgia’s 6th District that has been left behind by our current Representative. I’ve been in pretty tough situations, but Congress shouldn’t be one of them.  We need to show leadership by fighting the socialist agenda, end the cancel culture, and defend the values I fought to protect and preserve,” Welsh said. “I’m a father, and the 8th generation of my family to serve in the military protecting America. There’s no way I’ll sit idly by while Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and AOC destroy our country and tear us apart. I led 7,000 troops in Iraq and while I may have retired from the U.S. Army, I’m not done fighting for the country I love.”

Just a reminder. The congressional lines are going to be redrawn at some point. It’s at least somewhat weird to see a candidate announce for a seat that, at least theoretically, could be wildly different from what it looks like now. Also, the macho routine is so played out. I respect Welsh’s service, but the tough-guy image in a time in which we could use a little more understanding is really tone-deaf. But whatever.