Shots Fired In Georgia

Rarely since Donald Trump first declared his candidacy for President in 2015 has any of his Republican political opponents taken direct shots at him. Most conservative politicians have believed, not without reason, that any attack on Trump will spell the ends of their careers.

In recent weeks, the DeSantis camp has been more aggressive in attacking the former President. But tonight we have a tweet from our own Governor Brian Kemp:

Does this indicate Kemp will be supporting DeSantis or another candidate next year? Is it an indication of his own potential plans for 2024? Or is it just a swipe back at the person who pushed David Perdue to run against him in last year’s gubernatorial primary?

PWe can’t know for sure, but it’s an eye-opening development in a campaign cycle that’s sure to have many more.

Update: Kemp’s tweet is certainly gaining attention. His average tweets garner a couple hundred likes and a few dozen comments. As of noon Saturday, this one has over 17,000 likes and 4,500 replies.